What kind of exchanges are available?

One of the more popular exchanges right now is Mt.gox, but they only have Bitcoin available for trading. My personal preference is to use BTC-E. There are many more currencies available like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Feathercoin, Chinacoin, Novacoin, and Terracoin.  The site is secure and has a ongoing chat room for questions. The charts are also helpful for people who want to day trade. There is also a very handy BTC-E app for Android folks (the widgets are great if you’re not home). Now there are probably many more exchanges but these are the 2 main ones I would trust.


Mt.Gox: https://mtgox.com/

BTC-E: https://btc-e.com/

How can I start using cryptocurrency?

If you are a complete beginner, then start by simply making a wallet to hold the currency. Wallets are simply the place to store, send, and recieve any type of online currency securely. I will use Bitcoin as my example. There are 2 main types, wallets that save to the computer hard drive or one that saves in the cloud (online). (Links will be posted in the end). I personally prefer the cloud wallets because you can use them on any device that supports it. For example, I use my blockchain wallet because it’s always online and I can even use it on my Android phone. Which ever one you decide to use, make sure that the site/wallet is credible and secure.

Wallet Links:

Hard drive storage: http://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet

Cloud (blockchain): https://blockchain.info/

So.. about that bitcoin

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that was developed in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Cryptocurrency is in a sense, an anonomyous digital currency that uses a peer-to-peer (p2p) system. Peer-to-peer essentially means that there is an exchange of the currency between 2 people, therefore making it decentralized from any one authority. The main website associated with it will be posted here. http://bitcoin.org/en/

-There are also many spectacular videos on YouTube

The Goal

My hope for this blog will be that I can simply share and explain what I know about cryptocurrency (i.e. Bitcoin) to those who do not fully understand the general aspects. I would also like to post and discuss with anyone interested in simply learning more or talking about it.