Category Archives: Uncategorized

How can I start using cryptocurrency?

If you are a complete beginner, then start by simply making a wallet to hold the currency. Wallets are simply the place to store, send, and recieve any type of online currency securely. I will use Bitcoin as my example. There are 2 main types, wallets that save to the computer hard drive or one that saves in the cloud (online). (Links will be posted in the end). I personally prefer the cloud wallets because you can use them on any device that supports it. For example, I use my blockchain wallet because it’s always online and I can even use it on my Android phone. Which ever one you decide to use, make sure that the site/wallet is credible and secure.

Wallet Links:

Hard drive storage:

Cloud (blockchain):

So.. about that bitcoin

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that was developed in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Cryptocurrency is in a sense, an anonomyous digital currency that uses a peer-to-peer (p2p) system. Peer-to-peer essentially means that there is an exchange of the currency between 2 people, therefore making it decentralized from any one authority. The main website associated with it will be posted here.

-There are also many spectacular videos on YouTube

The Goal

My hope for this blog will be that I can simply share and explain what I know about cryptocurrency (i.e. Bitcoin) to those who do not fully understand the general aspects. I would also like to post and discuss with anyone interested in simply learning more or talking about it.